Nematode Control Radish

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Nematode control radish are at least 90% effective at controlling sugar beet cyst nematodes.  This radish germinates and establishes rapidly during cool weather. Nematode Control Radish seed is capable of producing a large amount of biomass in a short period of time. This makes it perfect for providing fast cover and is an excellent green manure crop for cash crops.

When chopped while green, the breakdown of the root is beneficial to the soil. The effect is similar to a synthetic soil fumigant. Use of green manures like nematode control radish seed has been known to reduce the need of synthetic soil fumigants. This leads to an improved groundwater quality and nitrogen balanced soil. Radishes are known for producing a very large root mass that is effective at catching excess nitrates in the soil before they can leach into the groundwater.

Planting Instructions

DRILLED SEEDING RATE: 10-12 lbs/acre


PLANTING DEPTH: 1/4 – 1/2 inch

IDEAL SOIL: Prefers well-dreained soils within a pH range of 6.4 – 7.3.


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