Sunn Hemp

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Sunn Hemp seed and plant description

Sunn Hemp is a tropical legume. In many countries it is the number one cover crop for reclaiming poor land. It is originally from India and has been grown since the dawn of agriculture. It can be grown as a green manure, livestock feed for forage, hay, and for non-wood fiber.

Sunn hemp is a tropical legume with a number of characteristics that make it an ideal cover crop. In 60 days from planting it:

  • is typically over 6 feet tall
  • adds 100 pounds of Nitrogen to the soil
  • translocates from the subsoil to the topsoil 10 pounds of residual Phosphorus and 80 pounds of residual Potash
  • supplies 4 tons of organic matter
  • suppresses rootknot and reniform nematodes
  • greatly suppresses weeds
  • is a great soil builder
  • increases drought tolerance and yield and cash value of the next crop
  • The leaves are 30 % protein. Both goats and deer thrive on this crop.

There are millions of acres of this crop grown throughout the world. Brazil calls it their “number one soil builder”. As it is a tropical plant, Sunn Hemp grows only in the summer months in North America.  Sunn hemp is a good source of Nitrogen and Potash.


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